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Bomb Kills Two Guards For Afghan Human Rights Group

An Afghan policeman inspects the scene after a roadside bomb next to an Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission vehicle in Jalalabad on October 26.
An Afghan policeman inspects the scene after a roadside bomb next to an Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission vehicle in Jalalabad on October 26.

Two employees of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) have been killed by a roadside bomb in the eastern city of Jalalabad.

Nangarhar Province police spokesman Hazrat Hussain Mashriqiwal said the two security guards working for AIHRC were killed and at least two other employees were wounded on October 26 when a roadside bomb blew up as their vehicle passed.

Mashriqiwal said the provincial head of the AIHRC, which monitors human rights in Afghanistan, was in the vehicle when the bomb exploded but escaped unhurt.

No one claimed responsibility for the attack, but AIHRC spokesman Rafiullah Bedar blamed it on Taliban militants.

In a statement, Nicholas Haysom, head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, said, "The climate of fear created by such attacks threatens vital human rights work carried out throughout Afghanistan."

Based on reporting by Reuters and AP