Hozhaber Shinwary, an Afghan cartoonist, has braved communist prisons and threats from Islamist warlords for his provocative cartoons since the 1980s. Shinwary says the lines and drawings of his cartoons help him express what he sees and feels. His cartoons are often a stark reminder of the seemingly unending violence in Afghanistan.
An Afghan Cartoonist's World

Afghan civilians suffered during the international military campaign in their country following the 9/11 attacks against the United States.

Afghan women had to overcome patriarchy, regressive customs and the power of warlords to participate in the first presidential election in 2004.

Shinwary's depiction of the warlords' coalition after the demise of the Taliban regime in late 2001.

Ismail Khan, a strongman and governor of the western Herat province, banned women from driving.