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Afghanistan Urges Pakistan To Crack Down On Terror Groups

Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah addresses the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 28.
Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah addresses the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 28.

Afghanistan's Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah has called on Pakistan to keep its promise to “crack down on known terror outfits," particularly the Haqqani network, blamed for carrying out cross-border attacks in the country.

Addressing the UN's General Assembly late on September 28, Abdullah said, "The presence of terrorist sanctuaries and support networks in Pakistan continue to cause trouble inside Afghanistan.”

The comments came hours after the Taliban captured the northern Afghan city of Kunduz.

The Afghan leader cited the Islamic State group as among the extremist groups sowing terror in Afghanistan.

Abdullah said that without external support "this guerrilla-style low intensity warfare would have been history by now."

He also expressed optimism that the insurgency would be defeated, saying "these attempts will eventually fail to subdue us."

Based on reporting by AP and