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Six Afghan Policemen Reported Killed In Taliban Attack

Afghan policemen at the site of a suicide bombing attack on the police headquarters in the s eastern Gardez city.
Afghan policemen at the site of a suicide bombing attack on the police headquarters in the s eastern Gardez city.

Six Afghan police officers were killed when Taliban militants stormed a security outpost in western Farah Province in the early hours of June 30, officials say.

Farah police spokesman Eqbal Baher said the attack in the Sheb Koh district was repelled after government forces sent reinforcements to the area.

Abdul Marouf Folad, the provincial police chief, said nine Taliban fighters were killed in the gunbattle.

Five Taliban militants were also killed and nine others wounded a few hours later in a separate clash in Farah’s Poshte Koh district, according to Baher.

There were no casualties among government troops in the second incident, the spokesman added.

Taliban frequently attack Afghan security forces and other government targets across the country.

Meeting in Brussels on June 29, defense ministers from NATO member states vowed to provide more forces to help train Afghanistan's embattled military, although they did not set out exact numbers.

Based on reporting by dpa and