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U.S. Watchdog Warns Afghan Police Salary Distribution Lacks Oversight

Officers of the Afghan National Police.
Officers of the Afghan National Police.

A U.S. government monitoring agency says the United States has been paying more than $300 million a year for the salaries of members of the Afghan National Police, but has little idea about whether the salaries have been correctly distributed or have gone to active police officers.

The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction on January 12 noted reports that some Afghan police have been paid inflated salaries.

It also said the number of police officers on the rosters of some districts in Afghanistan is higher than the actual number of police.

Meanwhile, the monitor says U.S. officials have accepted the figures on working personnel provided by the Afghan Ministry of Interior.

The Inspector General conducted the research from 2013 to 2014 and noted that other U.S. monitors have found irrgularities with the U.S.-supported payroll system for Afghan National Police as early as 2006.