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50 Killed In Florida Club Shooting

A handout photo showing the aftermath of a shooting incident at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, which left at least 20 people dead.
A handout photo showing the aftermath of a shooting incident at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, which left at least 20 people dead.

Fifty people are now known to have died in a shooting in a gay nightclub in Florida, officials say.

Orlando's Mayor Buddy Dyer said on June 12 that another 53 people were hospitalized after the attack -- described as the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Dyer said the shooter used an assault rifle on those killed.

Police earlier said officers entered the Pulse club some three hours after the shooting unfolded, and killed the gunman who had taken hostages.

The shooter was named as Omar Mateen.

CBS News reported that he was born to Afghan parents in 1986 and lived in Port St Lucie, Florida.

An FBI spokesman was quoted as saying they were investigating whether the attacker was acting alone.

He said the attacker appeared to "have leanings toward" radical Islamist ideology, but it was not immediately clear whether this was a case of domestic or international terrorism.

Based on reporting by Reuters, AP, and AFP