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Migrants Continue To Stream Into Germany

Migrants walk to board a train to Germany at a railway station in Vienna on September 5.
Migrants walk to board a train to Germany at a railway station in Vienna on September 5.

Thousands of migrants, many from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, continued to arrive in Germany on September 6, the majority of them travelling through Austria from Hungary, where they had been stranded for days.

According to Bavarian state officials, a total of 6,800 migrants entered Germany on September 5, and 5,000 more were expected to arrive on September 6.

A convoy of around 140 vehicles filled with food and water left Vienna to distribute aid and collect migrants who were on their way to the Austrian border.

More than 10,000 migrants have left Hungary after the border was opened on September 5.

Hungary had been preventing migrants from traveling by train to Austria and Germany for days, saying it was obliged to register them.

Austria said it had agreed with Germany to allow the migrants to pass, waiving asylum rules that require them to register in the first EU country they reach.

Meanwhile, Pope Francis has called on every European parish and religious community to host one refugee family each in a gesture of solidarity.

"I appeal to the parishes, the religious communities, the monasteries and sanctuaries of all Europe to...take in one family of refugees," he said after his customary Sunday address at the Vatican on September 6.

"Every parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary of Europe, take in one family," the pope said, to applause from the crowd at St. Peter's Square.

The pope said two parishes in the Vatican will take in a family of refugees each in the coming days.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced on September 6 that his country will take more refugees from Syria.

But Abbott said on September 6 that the increase in Syrian refugees will not boost the overall intake of refugees that Australia already takes from around the world.

His decision came after pressure from within his own party.

The prime minister did not give a specific figure but said the focus will be on taking more people from persecuted minorities who are in refugee camps in the Middle East.

Australia took 13,750 refugees from around the world from July 2014 to June 2015. Of those, 4,400 of were from Syria and Iraq.

The total annual intake of refugees is due to increase to 18,750 by 2018.

Iranian President Hassan Rohani has said that the world and especially European countries have a “humanitarian and historic duty” to do more to help the migrants that arrive at their borders.

"We are glad some European countries have taken positive measures to save the displaced immigrants and we hope that other EU countries would join this trend," Rohani said in remarks published on his website on September 6.

During a meeting with Hungary’s new ambassador, Janos Kuac, in Tehran, Rohani also said that Iran is home to more migrants from neighboring countries than any other country in the region.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said that Hungary does not want Muslim migrants and warned Europe would lose its Christian identity.

Based on reporting by AFP, Reuters, dpa, and AP