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Pakistan Suspends Accord With EU On Return Of Illegal Migrants

Pakistani Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan
Pakistani Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan

Pakistan announced on November 6 that it has suspended its agreement with European Union countries on the readmission of illegal immigrants, except for Britain, because of what it called "blatant misuse.”

The 2010 agreement aimed to facilitate the return of Pakistani illegal immigrants and other nationals who transited through Pakistan before arriving in the EU.

Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said EU countries are now misusing the agreement, which calls for Pakistanis who travel illegally to be deported from EU countries only after proper verification of their nationality and other details by Pakistan.

But Khan said most EU countries are now deporting people to Pakistan without proper verification of their identity by Pakistani authorities.

Khan said 90,000 people were sent back to Pakistan from various countries during 2014.

He said that during the last several months, alleged Pakistanis traveling abroad without documents have been deported to Pakistan on charges of terrorism without verification whether they actually were from Pakistan.

Based on reporting by AFP, Radio Pakistan, and Dawn