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Pakistan: Minority Hazaras End Days-Long Protest In Quetta

Family members and relatives chant slogans during a protest to condemn the April 12 attack on the Hazaras in Quetta's fruits and vegetable market.
Family members and relatives chant slogans during a protest to condemn the April 12 attack on the Hazaras in Quetta's fruits and vegetable market.

(AP) — Pakistan's minority Hazaras, a small Shi’ite Muslim community, have ended their days-long sit-in after successful talks with the government, which promised more steps to protect them in the southwestern city of Quetta.

Members of the Hazara community ended their protest before dawn On April 16. Their protest began after a suicide bombing in Quetta’s fruit market targeted Hazaras last week.

Hundreds of Shi’ites began their protest Friday after the suicide bombing at an open-air market killed 20 people, including Shi’ites.

The bombing was claimed by Islamic State group, which views Shi’ites as apostates deserving of death.

Quetta is the capital of Balochistan province, which also is the scene of a low-level insurgency by separatists demanding more autonomy and a greater share in the region's natural resources such as gas and oil.