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Pakistan Army Claims Killing Senior Al-Qaeda Leader

Undated image obtained from FBI website seeking information on Adnan El Shukrijumah.
Undated image obtained from FBI website seeking information on Adnan El Shukrijumah.

The Pakistani military says it has killed a senior Al-Qaeda leader in the country's northwestern tribal areas.

In a statement on December 6, the military identified the man as Adnan El Shukrijumah.

It said Shukrijumah was killed in an early morning raid in Shinwarsak, South Wazirastan, on December 6.

It said two other suspected militants were killed in the operation that killed one soldier and wounded another.

Shukrijumah was indicted in the United States over a plot to bomb New York's subway system.

Federal prosecutors in the United States allege Shukrijumah had recruited three men in 2008 to receive training in the Pakistan's lawless tribal areas for the attack.

Shukrijumah was believed to have taken over as chief of Al-Qaeda's global operations, a position once held by September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

Based on reporting by AP and AFP