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Taliban Attacks In Afghanistan Kill 10 Police

Taliban militants have attacked police outposts in Afghanistan's east and northeast, killing at least 10 officers.

Abdul Qadir Sayad, a police official in Badakhshan Province, is quoted as saying Taliban insurgents launched an assault on police bases in Yomgan district. They also destroyed a mobile phone tower in an effort to cut contact between the district and the provincial capital.

Naveed Ferootan, a spokesman for Badakhshan governor, said the attack was "heavier" than previous ones, describing the center of the district as a "battlefield."

Reports say six police officers and five insurgents were killed.

Meanwhile, in Laghman Province, east of Kabul, reports say insurgents wearing burqas attacked a district police base. Four officers were killed in that incident.

And in the southern province of Zabul, villagers reportedly found the decapitated bodies of eight local police officers who were seized two weeks ago.

The attacks are part of the Taliban spring offensive, which comes ahead of the second round of the presidential vote on June 14.
Based on reporting by AP and dpa