Afghan Officials: Four Civilians Killed In Separate Attacks

Afghan security forces secure the surrounding near the site of a bomb blast that targeted a Shi'ite mosque, in Kabul on October 9.

Afghan officials say four civilians were killed and seven wounded in separate attacks in the capital, Kabul, and eastern province of Logar on October 9.

Halim Fidai, governor of Logar, said three civilians were killed and four injured after they were caught in the crossfire of a Taliban attack on government troops.

Fidai said the troops were ambushed while conducting a military operation near a mosque in the Baraki Barak district.

Meanwhile in Kabul, police said three bombs, planted near the Chendawol religious congregation site, went off in the early afternoon killing a civilian and wounding three others.

Police said there were no immediate claims of responsibility.

Earlier, police said security officers thwarted an attack in a Kabul restaurant in the evening on October 8.

Deputy Interior Minister General Ayoub Salangi said two would-be suicide bombers, wearing explosive vests, entered the restaurant but were shot dead before they were able to launch an attack.

Salangi said the gunmen were shot by two agents from the National Directorate of Security, the Afghan intelligence agency, who were on the premises.

Based on reporting by AP,, and Reuters