Pakistan To Seek International Help In Fake Degree Scam

Islamabad office of Pakistani company Axact

Pakistan says it will seek international assistance in an investigation into a Karachi-based firm accused of earning millions of dollars a year by selling fake academic degrees.

Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan announced on May 23 that his ministry will write letters to the FBI and Interpol in the next two days to ask for assistance.

An initial inquiry into the company Axact will be completed in next 10 days, Khan added.

Pakistani investigators this week launched a probe against Axact, raiding its offices and confiscating equipment and records

The move came after The New York Times reported that the firm had set up a network of hundreds of websites for fictitious schools.

The report quoted former employees and clients from the United States, Britain, and the United Arab Emirates who had paid up to hundreds of thousands of dollars for their degrees.

Axact condemned the report as “baseless, substandard, maligning, defamatory."

Based on reporting by AFP and