Woman Shooter In California Massacre Attended Pakistani Madrassah

Pakistani students arrive at Al-Huda Institute, one of the most high-profile female seminaries in Multan on December 7.

Pakistani students arrive at Al-Huda Institute, one of the most high-profile female seminaries in Multan on December 7.

Pakistani intelligence officials have confirmed that a Pakistani woman who took part in a massacre in California last week attended one of Pakistan’s most high-profile madrassahs for women – the Al-Huda International Seminary in Multan.

The school has no known links to extremists.

But Al-Huda founder Farhat Hashmi, who now lives in Canada, has been criticized for promoting a conservative strain of Islam.

The 29-year-old Tashfeen Malik was and her husband Syed Farook, 28, were hailed by Islamic State militants as “soldiers” of the extremist group after they shot dead 14 people at a social service center in San Bernardino, California.

The were killed after the attack.

Malik was raised in Saudi Arabia before her time as a madrassah student in Pakistan.

President Barack Obama called the attack “an act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people” by two people who “had gone down the dark path of radicalization.”

Based on reporting by AP and AFP
