Veteran AP Editor Tom Kent Appointed President Of Radio Free Europe

Tom Kent

Veteran Associated Press journalist Tom Kent has been appointed president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

Kent worked for the AP for more than four decades, serving as Moscow bureau chief, international editor, deputy managing editor, and standards editor.

In announcing the appointment on June 10, RFE/RL board chairman Jeff Shell praised Kent's "track record in digital news expansion and his collaborative leadership style."

RFE/RL is one of five U.S.-funded broadcasters under the Broadcasting Board of Governors, whose mission is to support democracy and free speech around the world.

RFE/RL broadcasts in 26 languages to 23 countries where the media faces government restrictions or is not fully developed. Those countries include Russia, Ukraine, and other former Soviet states, as well as Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

During the Cold War, the broadcaster was key in reaching audiences in the Soviet Union and its satellite states, and presenting them with an alternative viewpoint. It says its mission is still relevant today, with media freedoms declining around the world. RFE/RL has recently expanded into digital and video formats.

Kent will be based in RFE/RL's headquarters in Prague.

"I look forward to joining its highly skilled team as we create great journalism across languages and geographies," Kent said.

With reporting by AP