Pakistani Taliban Extend Cease-Fire With Government

Pakistani soldiers carry the coffin of and officer killed by militants.

The Pakistani Taliban say they have extended their March cease-fire in order to allow the government time to release prisoners and pull back its troops.

Tehrik-e Taliban (TTB) spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said the cease-fire would be extended until April 10.

It comes one day after the government released at least 16 tribesmen from South Waziristan.

The TTP is seeking the release of some 800 prisoners being held by the government.

t is also demanding that Pakistani forces withdraw from a border area near Afghanistan to create a "safe zone."

The government began talks with the TTP in February in an attempt to end the insurgency started by the militants in 2007.

The first round of talks ended the same month when the Taliban blew up a police bus and executed 23 government paramilitary forces.
Based on reporting by Reuters and AFP