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Pakistani Journalist Critical Of Military Escapes Kidnap Attempt

Taha Siddiqui says more than 10 armed men attempted to kidnap him in the Pakistani capital Islamabad on January 10.
Taha Siddiqui says more than 10 armed men attempted to kidnap him in the Pakistani capital Islamabad on January 10.

(Reuters) - A Pakistani journalist, known for criticizing his country's military establishment, says he had narrowly escaped being kidnapped by armed men on January 10.

Taha Siddiqui, who reports for France 24 and is the Pakistan bureau chief of Indian television channel WION, said the attempted abduction took place while he was being driven by taxi to the airport serving the capital Islamabad and the neighboring, larger garrison city of Rawalpindi.

"I was on my way to airport today at 8:20 a.m local time when 10-12 armed men stopped my cab and forcibly tried to abduct me. I managed to escape. Safe and with police now," Siddiqui tweeted from a friend's Twitter account early in the morning.

"Looking for support in any way possible #StopEnforcedDisappearances," he added in the same tweet.

Rights groups have denounced the kidnappings of several social media activists over the past year as attempts to intimidate and silence critics of the Pakistan's security establishment.

FILE: Pakistani journalist Taha Siddiqui, who escaped a kidnapping attempt, speaks at a gathering in Islamabad, Pakistan on May 23, 2017.
FILE: Pakistani journalist Taha Siddiqui, who escaped a kidnapping attempt, speaks at a gathering in Islamabad, Pakistan on May 23, 2017.

Last year, five Pakistani bloggers went missing for several weeks before four of them were released. All four fled abroad and two afterwards told media that they were tortured by a state intelligence agency during their disappearance.

The military has staunchly denied playing a role in any enforced disappearances, as has the civilian government. In the past, militants have also targeted journalists.

Siddiqui spoke to Reuters from a police station where he was filing a report on the incident, and described how his taxi was stopped on the highway when another vehicle swerved, and braked suddenly in front of it.

About a dozen men armed with rifles and revolvers pulled him out of the cab, beat him and "threatened to kill" him.

"They threw me in the back of the vehicle in which I had been traveling, but the door on the other side was open," Siddiqui said.

"I jumped out and ran and was able to get into a taxi that was nearby, whose driver then floored it."

When the taxi stopped, Siddiqui hid in a ditch for a while, he added.

Last year, the Committee to Protect Journalists said "Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency should stop harassing Taha Siddiqui", referring to the civilian agency that last year began a crackdown on online criticism of the powerful military.

Siddiqui last year filed a court petition to stop the agency from harassing him.

Saroop Ijaz, a lawyer who works with Human Rights Watch, said Siddiqui's kidnap attempt was worrying development and added that "violence and the threat of it are not legitimate means to deal with dissenting voices" in the country.