At least 29 people were killed and more than 50 others injured in a battle at a prison holding Islamic State militants in Afghanistan, after a deadly attack by gunmen. In addition, the authorities said 10 insurgents were killed. Some prisoners escaped, although a number were recaptured.
A Pakistani schoolteacher is selling fried peas on the streets after the closure of his private school. Many private schoolteachers in the country are not receiving their salaries due to school closures caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
A prison holding Islamic State militants was in flames amid a deadly attack by gunmen. Some prisoners escaped, although a number were recaptured amid fighting that resulted in dozens of casualties.
An Afghan man is trying to educate street children in the city of Ghazni. Azizullah Qaderi offers free lessons in a city park each day and wants to build a school for his pupils.
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented authorities in Lahore, Pakistan, with all kinds of challenges. They’re dealing with shortages, a rise in cases, and now a rise in disinformation about the virus. VOA’s Saman Khan reports.
Afghan mothers are waging a battle to get their names on their children's national ID cards.
An all-female group of robotics students in the Afghan city of Herat has developed a prototype ventilator for COVID-19 patients based on a design by M.I.T.
A polio campaign has begun in the Pakistani city of Karachi, with the authorities hoping to vaccinate over 200,000 children.
Afghan authorities have relocated 15-year-old Qamar Gul and her siblings to a safe house after she used an AK-47 to shoot dead two Taliban militants.
A 14-year-old boy called Shukrullah makes 500 bricks a day in 40-degree heat. At this Afghan brick factory in Faryab Province, more than half of the workers are children.
Afghanistan's security forces have stepped up their crackdown on heroin labs and poppy farms in Taliban-controlled regions of the country's northeastern Badakhshan Province. Its long border with Tajikistan makes the province one of the main heroin production hubs for Central Asia.
A 22-year-old political-science student from Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province has resorted to climbing nearby peaks each day to get an Internet connection and attend online classes.
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